Preparation Strategy for NDA Exam in 15 Days/Month

Q: Can I prepare for NDA 2 2020 in 15 days ?



You can prepare for the NDA in 15 Days.

1. Assuming that you are done with the basics of class-11th and class-12th.You can easily score well 200+/300 in Paper-1 w/o any Effort. You have to put your focus on Paper-2 which contains :

i)English( Marks: 200)

ii)General knowledge (Marks: 400)

Practice English with Books made for NDA Exam Specifically. If you don't have Books now and also there is no time to order them now. Don't Worry I am here Just follow the ebooks below:

English & G.K. - NDA/ NA 14 years English & General Knowledge Topic-wise Solved Papers

This is more than enough for English and Static G.k. (80% of G.K.).For Current affairs refer newsletters.


2. Those who are not confident about their preparation :

You can also easily solve Paper-1's (Mathematics) 80-90 Q out of 120 Qs in 2:30 hrs with a little time framed practice. Practice basic question of each chapters for example in Vector 3D practice simple questions like distance between Plane and line , Condition of two planes being parallel etc.

NDA/ NA 14 years Mathematics, English & General Knowledge Topic-wise Solved Papers

For Paper-2 you can also prepare as stated above for category-1 students. Just click on the above blue texts and take the e-book for your preparation.

Tips for Exam:

1.Before the Exam

•Prepare as much as you can.Don't feel that you are done with the Preparation.

•Don’t panic.

•Take good sleep in the last week of the Exam.

•Try to study and not to sleep in the paper's timing(10:30–13:00 & 14:00–16:30)

•Don’t Ask your friends for how much they are prepared also ignore. answering such question.

•Don’t think of the Exam Outside the Examination hall..Also don't talk to your friends.

2.During the Exam

• Attempt the easy questions first.

•Don’t take questions as a Challenge as it will stuck you on the same question for long.Leave it thinking of the other questions.

•Don’t frustrate if don't get answer to a question or if you wasted time on a single question. Always remember to focus on the time which is left.

•Focus on the Paper and not the Classroom surroundings.

Don't Cheat.

3. Between Paper-1 & Paper-2

•Don’t talk of paper-1, also ignore those who are doing this.

•Sit Silently alone, have lunch.

•It is advisable to eat less and eat light food .You can also eat fruits.

•Don’t move out of the center as you may get late for the Paper 2.

4. After the Exam overs

Move straight to the home and have food and take rest. Then by night you can check your score ( As generally Answer sheet comes by Evening).

If you are scoring 380+ In the Exam out of 900 then you are safe to get in the merit list. Sit back and relax .

Prepare yourself for the SSB-2020.

All the best👍

You can make it!



Also Read :Books for NDA


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